Nov 17, 2022
Faculty Transition Webinar Series 1
The Center for Faculty Development’s Office for Senior Faculty Transitions held the first session of the Faculty Transition Webinar Series. The session included a lively discussion with a panel of MGH faculty members who transitioned to retirement while finding opportunities to stay engaged in academic activities, such as teaching and mentoring.
Diane R. Fingold, MD, Assistant Professor of
Medicine, HMS and Physician in Medicine, MGH
Isaac Schiff, MD, Joe Vincent Meigs Distinguished
Professor of GYN, HMS and Emeritus Chief, Department of Vincent
Nancy J. Tarbell, MD, CC Wang Professor of
Radiation Oncology, HMS, former Chief, Pediatric Radiation
Oncology, MGH and former Dean for Academic and Clinical Affairs,
James H. Thrall, MD, Juan M. Taveras Distinguished
Professor of Radiology, HMS and Chairman Emeritus, Department of
Radiology, MGH
Anne B. Young, MD, PhD, Julianne Dorn
Distinguished Professor of Neurology, HMS and former Chief of
Neurology, MGH